What an experience! I was very fortunate to be able to go to South Africa in January this year on holiday. As a little kid, I was always fascinated by the animals in Africa. To see these animals up close and personal was such an incredible feeling. I had a few animals that were on my 'must see' list and I am so ecstatic that I was able to check them off and see them in the wild.
For those that haven't been before, go! It's incredible! The food, the people, the landscape, and the animals are all amazing. While in the bush at these reserves, we'd go on safari two times a day starting at 5:30 AM and again at 4:00 PM.
A very short post for me here as I feel the photos do more justice than my words do. Click an image to expand and really enjoy the photos in full detail
Enjoy some of my favorite images from the trip.